Saturday, September 8, 2012


Hodie est Festum Nativitatis Beatae Mariae Virginis! (And I'm ready for the quiz!)

In honor of the Nativity of Mary, we had a day off from studies and took a trip up to Lake Sunapee, New Hampshire. The family of Fr. Ed Broom, an associate at the Oblate parish in Los Angeles, hosts an annual picnic for the OMV postulants at their lakeside home. It was great not only to escape Latin drills but to have hiking, kayaking, swimming, tennis, and barbecue.
Domus magnus apud lacum (the large house at the lake).

Conflictio epica inter tamais et sciurus in dispensatoribus aviarius cibi (epic chipmunk vs. squirrel face off at the bird feeder).

Excitus super navigatione in caiac! (excited about kayaking!)

I might never have wanted to come back to the city, but a fortuitously timed downpour got us on the road at the right time; late enough that I escaped having to make dinner (the postulants have assigned weekends to prepare evening meals) but early enough to eat it! Br. Jerry, a brother from the Philippines, was kind enough to do my job, prepared an excellent Italian-style dinner, and even had a birthday cake.  


  1. Looks beautiful! Glad you had time to enjoy some relaxation.

  2. Wow! The simple life.
    Thanks for the English subtitles!
