Monday, April 22, 2013

Not the Normal Day Off

It has been a 'long week' as they say, and, despite attempts to keep up with studying Latin and get papers written, it has nonetheless been remarkably unproductive time. Although Monday and (unexpectedly) Friday had no classes, all the excitement and tension made it rather difficult to concentrate (not to mention the noise!)

It has been one week since the Boston Marathon bombing, and although things have quieted down a over the weekend after the manhunt craziness, there is a reminder just down the street of all the victims affected. Fr. John Wykes, the resident media guru, made a short film of footage from the barricade. It is a simple but fitting tribute.


  1. A simple but fine tribute. Thanks for sharing. So very thankful you came through alright! Love ya bro :)

  2. Nicely done. I like that it is essentially silent and shows the outpouring of prayers, love and support from all over.
